Laurel Mountain Trail Clear/PACCSA Picnic is This Saturday!
PACCSA's first ever trail clear at Laurel Mountain is scheduled for this Saturday, November 7th, beginning at 10 AM. The trails are in good shape, but last week's wind from the remnants of Hurricane Patricia dropped a ton of debris on the trails. We'll work for two hours before having a picnic lunch at the Laurel Ridge Warming Hut at noon. After lunch, PACCSA will be holding its November Board Meeting, which is open to all PACCSA members.
We'll be meeting at the Laurel Mountain Warming Hut. From the Ligonier/Laughlintown area, take Rt. 30 until you reach the top of the mountain. Take a right onto Summit Road and drive about 2 miles until you come to the warming hut. If you can attend, please e-mail Jim South at That will let us know how much food to prepare.
As with all trail clears, please bring work gloves and hand tools such as loppers, clippers, and bow saws if you have them. Again, we'll mostly be clearing downed branches and other debris from the trails, so tools aren't necessary. Lastly, since it's hunting season, DCNR asks that you please wear brightly colored, high-visibility clothing.