The PA Nordic Championships will be Wilderness Lodge in Wattsburg, PA, on Saturday, February 1st.
Please register online, today. Online registration will close on Friday.
Late registration will be from 8am - 10am on Saturday at Wilderness Lodge, Wildcat HQ. There will be a late fee of $10 added to each race fee. The number of racers will be capped at 100 adults + 100 kids, so to reserve your bib number, register online.
Bib pickup will be from 8am - 11.30 am on Saturday at Wilderness Lodge, Wildcat HQ. The entrance is behind the trail fee building, which is the smaller building to the left of the main lodge. As you enter the parking lot, it is straight ahead.
Race schedule:
10.00 5.5k classic
10.25 Kids assemble outside the Wildcat HQ.
10.30 Kids leave for start locations, skiing in a group led by Wildcats Coach Ned.
11.00 Kids races - 1k and 2k classic, 2k and 3k skate
12.00 8.5k and 17k skate.
2.00 Kids activities start, meet outside Wildcat HQ.
Race fees online are $8 for the kids races, $40 for one adult race, $55 for two adult races (same racer). These include the trail fee for the day. Late fees for on-site registrations are $10 more for each race.
Course maps for the skate races are at The 5.5k classic race is two laps around North and South fields. The kids races are along shorter sections of the classic race course, finishing near the Lodge.
There are prizes and awards for overall winners and age group categories. For the adult racers, there are long-sleeved tech shirts for the first 50 to register, and fruit courtesy of Whole Foods Market.
Glide wax recommendations from Swix